Dynamic Sudoku Game - Online Sudoku Puzzle Game

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How to Play Dynamic Sudoku Game

Sudoku is a popular puzzle game that involves filling a 9x9 grid with numbers so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3x3 subgrids that make up the grid contain all the digits from 1 to 9. Dynamic Sudoku Game takes this classic game to the next level by providing a dynamic and interactive playing experience. In this guide, we will tell you how to play Dynamic Sudoku game and get the most out of its features.

Getting Started

  1. Understanding the Grid: The game starts with a 9x9 grid, divided into nine 3x3 subgrids. Some cells are pre-filled with numbers, while others are empty, waiting for you to fill them.
  2. The Objective: Your goal is to fill the empty cells with numbers from 1 to 9, ensuring that each row, column, and 3x3 subgrid contains all the digits without repeating any.
  3. Using the Controls: On the right side of the screen, you'll find a set of controls to help you play the game. These include buttons for pausing, resuming, and restarting the game, as well as options for selecting the difficulty level and solving the puzzle.

Playing the Game

  1. Selecting a Cell: To start, click on an empty cell in the grid. This will highlight the cell and allow you to input a number.
  2. Inputting a Number: Use the numbers at the bottom of the grid to select the number you want to input. Click on a number to select it, and then click on the highlighted cell to input the number.
  3. Validating Your Input: As you input numbers, the game will automatically validate your entries. If you make a mistake, the game will alert you, and you can correct your input.
  4. Using the Difficulty Slider: If you find the game too easy or too challenging, you can adjust the difficulty level using the slider. Move the slider to the left for an easier puzzle or to the right for a more challenging one.
  5. Pausing and Resuming the Game: If you need to take a break or step away from the game, you can pause it by clicking the "Pause Game" button. To resume, click the "Resume Game" button.
  6. Restarting the Game: If you want to start over with a new puzzle, click the "Restart" button. This will clear the grid and generate a new puzzle for you to solve.
  7. Solving the Puzzle: If you're stuck or just want to see the solution, you can click the "Solve Puzzle" button. This will automatically fill in all the empty cells with the correct numbers.
  8. Generating a New Puzzle: If you want to play a new puzzle without restarting the game, click the "New Puzzle" button. This will generate a new puzzle for you to solve.

Tips and Strategies

  1. Start with the Easy Puzzles: If you are new to Sudoku game or just getting started with Dynamic Sudoku Game, it's best to begin with the easy puzzles. This will help you familiarize yourself with the game and its rules.
  2. Use the Notes Feature: Dynamic Sudoku game often includes a "notes" feature, which allows you to make temporary notes in the cells. Use this feature to jot down possible numbers for each cell before making your final decision.
  3. Look for Patterns: Sudoku is a game of patterns. Look for rows, columns, or subgrids that are missing a particular number. If you can identify these patterns, you can often fill in multiple cells at once.
  4. Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any puzzle game, the more you play Dynamic Sudoku games, the better you will get at them. Keep practicing, and you'll soon be able to solve even the most challenging puzzles with ease.


Dynamic Sudoku is a fun and challenging game that offers a unique twist on the classic Sudoku experience. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you will be on your way to becoming a Sudoku master. Toolsule provides easy interface of free sudoku game. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy the challenge of the dynamic Sudoku game.