Scientific Calculator Online Tool


How to Use Scientific Calculator Online Tool

Basic Arithmetic Operations:

  • Addition: Click the "+" button after entering the first number, then enter the second number and press "=" to get the result.
  • Subtraction: Click the "-" button after entering the first number, then enter the second number and press "=" to get the result.
  • Multiplication: Click the "X" button after entering the first number, then enter the second number and press "=" to get the result.
  • Division: Click the "/" button after entering the first number, then enter the second number and press "=" to get the result.

Trigonometric Functions:

  • Sine: Click the "sin" button, then enter the angle in radians or degrees and press "=" to get the result.
  • Cosine: Click the "cos" button, then enter the angle in radians or degrees and press "=" to get the result.
  • Tangent: Click the "tan" button, then enter the angle in radians or degrees and press "=" to get the result.

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions:

  • Exponential Function: Click the "e" button to calculate e raised to the power of the entered number.
  • Natural Logarithm: Click the "ln" button to calculate the natural logarithm of the entered number.
  • Logarithm Base 10: Click the "log10" button to calculate the base 10 logarithm of the entered number.

Square Root and Cube Root:

  • Square Root: Click the "√" button to calculate the square root of the entered number.
  • Cube Root: Click the "x^3" button to calculate the cube root of the entered number.

Memory Functions:

  • Memory Plus (M+): Click the "M+" button to add the current value to the memory.
  • Memory Recall (MR): Click the "MR" button to recall the value stored in memory.

Using Constants:

  • π (Pi): Use the "π" button to enter the value of Pi in calculations.
  • e (Euler's Number): Use the "e" button to enter the value of Euler's Number in calculations.

Other Functions:

  • Percentage (%): Click the "%" button to calculate the percentage of the entered number.
  • Power Function (^): Click the "x^y" button to calculate the power of the first number to the second number.

Clearing and Deleting:

  • Clear (C): Click the "C" button to clear the current input and start a new calculation.
  • Delete (Del): Click the "Del" button to delete the last digit entered.

Changing Sign:

  • Positive/Negative Toggle (+/-): Click the "+/-" button to toggle the sign of the entered number.

Number Formats:

  • Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal: Click the "bin," "oct," or "hex" buttons to convert the entered number to binary, octal, or hexadecimal format.

Error Handling:

  • If an incorrect input is entered, the calculator will display an error message. Click "C" to clear and start a new calculation.

This scientific calculator offers a wide range of functions and operations, making it a powerful tool for mathematical calculations. Experiment with different functions and operations to explore its full capabilities. The ToolSool Scientific Calculator provides an excellent interface for complex calculations using online tools.